I bet you need - more than you mind

I think I've already lost you
I think you're already gone
I think I'm finally scared now
You think I'm weak - but I think you're wrong
I think you're already leaving
Feels like your hand is on the door
I thought this place was an empire
But now I'm relaxed - I can't be sure

I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm just scared - I think too much
I know this is wrong it's a problem I'm dealing

Postat av: Mathilda

Visa dina kläder :))))

2010-07-16 @ 12:10:57
URL: http://mathielicious.blogg.se/
Postat av: Mathilda

lägg in då seeeg:)<3

2010-07-18 @ 14:56:50
URL: http://mathielicious.blogg.se/

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